CodeGuard is a service that provides an automatic website / database backup solution. It monitors your website / database regularly. If any changes are detected, it will notify you about the changes and backup your website / database. It also allows you to restore your website / database to a previous version.
How does CodeGuard connect to my website?If your website is hosted on LayerOnline's Linux servers, use the SFTP option. Also, you must use the default FTP user that comes with your cPanel account. You cannot connect to CodeGuard using any other FTP user. For LayerOnline's Windows servers, use the FTP option.
In case of other hosting providers, you can choose either the FTP or SFTP option, based on your service provider's settings.
Wouldn't the hosting provider's backup suffice?Hosting companies tend to keep your backups in the same place as your primary files. In case of any eventuality, along with your primary files, your backups too will be affected. CodeGuard provides safe, offsite backup that is 100% independent from your hosting provider.
Moreover, hosting companies provide you only the latest backup. CodeGuard follows a versioning system and allows you to restore a backup of an earlier date as well.
Get CodeGuard For Your Website Now